His Excellency
Hello and welcome to the website of the Embassy of the Republic of Cameroon in Japan. Unlike similar websites, this site is trilingual because it has been designed to respond to the bilingual (English and French) exigency of Cameroon and in the Japanese language to respond to increasing requests from our hosts who are showing increased interest in travel information, regulations, and general information on Cameroon.
This website provides information susceptible to interest travelers, students and businessmen, and provides links to Government institutions of Japan as well as updated and some private links in Cameroon. It offers an in-depth view into the rich and diverse cultural, geographic and linguistic heritage of Cameroon and should compliment already existing information on the worldwide webs.
I hope that you will bookmark this website and consult our page on news for official information from Cameroon.
Tell your friends and colleagues about it, and should you have any questions, suggestions or comments, e-mail me at here.
Thank you.