The Ambassador and the First Councellor with the Governor of Oita Prefecture, accompanied by members of FACOThe Ambassador with the Mayor of Hita City19th Cameroon Cup, youth football match in Nakatsue (2024.9.28-29)
2002 FIFA World Cup
<Hita Tube>
National Day 2018 in Nakatsue-mura
1- Memorial tree
2- In front of the Memorial Indomitable Lion
3- VIP gathering
4- Vip gathering - Ambassador _ Mr. Sakamoto
5-Address by the Ambassador
6- Address by Hon Eto Seishiro
7- Address by Mayor Harada
8- Address by Mr Yokoyama of FACO
9- Address by Mr Yasumu Sakamoto
10- Song by children
11- Demonstration of chainsaw sculpture
12- Sculpture of Lion
13- Importer of Cameroon Coffee
14- Food of Cameroon
15- Ambassador _ Wife with Mr. Sakamoto
16- Family photo
Memories of Nakatsue
Taio Sports CenterTaio Gold Mine Roadside StationH.E. Mr. Mbella Mbella, former Ambassador of Cameroon to Japan, with Mr Sakamoto Yasumu, former Mayor of Nakatsue Village