- The new application for passport is now online, on the website of Passcam-DGSN: <https://www.passcam.cm>.
Please follow steps of :
<pre-enrolment → payment → booking the appointment>.
So do not close the window just after the payment, because the receipt of payment is not a reservation of appointment. After the payment, a message will guide you to the appointment page.
- For any kind of problem during that online pre-enrolment (payment, date of appointment, and other problems), please contact Passcam directly to <contact@passcam.cm>, mentioning in your message your full name, PO number if available, your telephone number and email address, as well as a copy of that message to the Embassy via Contact Us.
- In case PASSCAM reject your application after your physical enrolment, please contact them to: <rejet@passcam.cm> ; title your message just REJET/REJECTION, and send with a CC to the Embassy.
- Before the online pre-enrolment, read the following important notice:
Consular Card
In case you do not have a Consular Card or it is not valid any more, do apply for a new one, it is compulsory. Even if you do not have it, it is still possible to proceed with online pre-enrolment. However its application has to be done before the physical enrolment. Therefore, send all required documents (see list below) with the attached Consular Card Application Form in advance in order the Embassy can legalize them beforehand. At the same time, we will proceed to start the legalization of documents required for passport enrolment.
Your Contact
During pre-enrolment, do not forget to fill email address, because at the end, they will send to you the form of pre-enrolment in PDF on your mail account.
Fill also your reachable telephone number because the Embassy may need to contact you. It has to be your number in Japan.
Payment option
Payment options available are Visa Card, Master Card, or Mobile Money (only available in Cameroon → some applicants living overseas are using this payment option through a relative/family member in Cameroon).
Booking an appointment
- After payment, the site will guide you to the appointment page. Choose date and time, then after booking, that will be automatically communicated to the Embassy. Finally Passcam will send you a PDF that has to be forwarded by email first to the Embassy that you have to send by postal mail with required the set of documents and fees.
- In case you want to bring forward the date of appointment, contact the Passcam directly, with a CC to the Embassy, but be aware that it is not sure. And as soon as Passcam informs you of the new date of appointment, please forward their message (not a copy-paste) to the Consular Section email.
Physical enrolment for children
- The form of “Parental Consent” (download the form mentioned below in “Required documents”) for passport application has to be sent in advance to the Embassy for legalization. Without that document, DGSN will reject.
- Moreover, be aware that minors’ file could be rejected because of the photo, even accepted during the physical enrolment. In that case, the minor will be booked for a furture date for re-enrolment.
Replacement of lost passport
The process is the same as for the renewal and/or establishment of passports. The only difference is that you MUST attach to your passport application a Certificate of Loss of the old passport issued by the Police. This is the physical report of the circumstances of the loss of your passport ,and NOT the document bearing only the file number. Please do insist to the Police Station for its issuance.
Required documents and consular fees for Consular Card and Passport Physical Enrolment
Do send by Postal mail in advance the following required documents and fees in a big envelope by genkin-kakitome, at least two weeks in advance if possible (don’t wait the day before nor the day of enrolment !) :
- Checkboxes sheet for Passport to download, to fill, date and sign;
- Application form for Consular Card to download, fill, date and sign;
- Request letter for application of Consular Card ;
- ID photo ;
- Original of Birth Certificate → since this document is compulsory, in case you don’t have it with you, ask to a relative in Cameroon to send it to you by DHL. In case he/she cannot find it, ask him/her to go to the High Court and/or the Civil Status Registry for an issuance of a DUPLICATA with a Certificate of Strain Existence.
- Original of Passport ;
- Original of NIC (National ID Card) , even expired, if available ;
- Both side colour photocopy of the Residence Card, and, presentation of its original on the enrolment day;
- Bill (telephone, electricity, etc) within three months with you name mentioned, as proof of residence, if available ;
- A proof of employment (salary payment document, company card, etc) if available ;
- Fees of 12,000 yen (4,000 yen for Consular Card and 8,000 yen for administration fees) ;
- Colour copy of the Pre-enrolment Information Form (send also by email by forwarding the PDF Passcam sent to you) ;
- In case of replacing of lost passport: a Certificate of Loss issued by the Police (physical report of the circumstances of the loss of your passport, and NOT the document bearing only the file number);
- For married women:
- original of the Marriage Certificate ;
- For minor children:
- Cameroonian Birth Certificate;
- Application form for Consular Card to download, fill, date and sign; with an ID Photo;
- The Form of “Parental Consent” to downloaded, fill, date and sign;
- Parent’s document who will be present during the physical enrolment : original of Passport, Birth Certificate, valid National ID Card (if available), Card Residence, and Consular Card of parent resident in Japan (in case parent has no Consular Card yet, it is strongly recommended to apply).
- A prepaid envelope Letter Pack (blue) with your address already filled, only in case you wish to get your entire original documents before the date of enrolment. In that case, mention it in your application letter.
- Please send ORIGINAL of documents : if not legalization is not possible.
- In case you haven’t sent required documents in advance and have just brought it on the appointment day : it will be impossible for you to be enrolled because documents can’t be legalized on the same day. Therefore, you would have to take another date of appointment by email directly with the Embassy and within 10 (ten) days. Do send first an email to the Consular Section who will indicate you available date and time.
- In case you are late : you would not be accepted for enrolment and have to take another date of appointment with the Embassy within 10 (ten) days. Send first an email to the Consular Section who will indicate you available date and time.